Complete Artist Services Package.

799.00 600.00

(application necessary)

It’s an easy trap to fall into. You’ve spent countless hours crafting, performing, and recording your music, and now that it’s finished, you’re not sure how to give it the release it deserves.

Some artists are fortunate enough to shift this responsibility to their label. Sadly, not every artist has the luxury of label backing for their releases.

That’s why we’ve created the Complete Artist Services Package, and made applications for this service open to everyone. It gives unsigned artists the full management label experience without the burden of a typical label contract.

Regardless of the stage you’re at in your music career, releasing music is a tall order.

If you’re serious about your music, getting it in front of industry big wigs is absolutely essential. They’ve got the power to broadcast your release to countless potential new fans, and so we’d love to introduce them to you.

That’s why we’ve created the PR Package. It gives us a chance to work on great music, and gives you a chance to amplify your release.

You’ve already done the hard work writing and recording your next hit - let us take care of the rest.

the process.

1. We’ll catch up so that I can get to know you and your vision!

2. Together, we’ll develop your brand by creating all you need to execute your vision for the release.

3. Together, we’ll execute the campaign from a three-pronged PR, Marketing, and Management approach.

What You Get

Strategy Consulting.

An Integrated 6-8 Week Release Cycle Plan.

  • We’ll identify any preliminary tasks we’ll need to square away ahead of the release cycle. 

  • We’ll lay out a plan for the release that fits in with your current artistic schedule.

Management Services.

A Fresh Artist Biography.

  • Based on our conversations about your passions and goals, we’ll construct an artist biography for your approval.

  • When we’ve got something that we both think is cool, we’ll tailor this bio to fit into the various contexts in which it will be seen.

Merchandise Organisation and Logistics*

  • Together, we’ll decide upon an appropriate merchandise run.

  • We’ll also decide upon an appropriate financing model for this merch run.

  • We will manage the logistics of this, including the ordering sizing, and pre-order management.

Track Distribution*

  • Under your supervision, we will handle the distribution of your release to all DSPs (Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, AMRAP, triple j unearthed, etc).

Weekly One-Hour Management Consultations.

  • Each week, we will come together to discuss the events of the week and make any adjustments to the plan as necessary.

  • Prior to the commencement of the release cycle, we will use these consultations to refine the way in which you are presented as an artist to the public to be in line with your goals, inspirations, and artistic practice.

*where applicable.

Social Media Marketing Services

Data Generation.

  • Through a variety of techniques, we will dive deep into the back end of Facebook and Instagram to generate an Ad Set of your high-value fans. This way, we’ll be able to deliver your news to the fans who back you the most.

  • Using this data, we will construct mirrored audiences of like-minded music consumers in neighbouring territories.

  • By promoting to these demographics, your music will have the greatest chance of a successful first impression in these markets.

Campaign Assistance.

  • With reference to our release cycle plan and the data generated above, we will plot out a social media plan to give your fans the best possible experience of your release.

PR Services

A Fresh Press Release.

  • We’ll create a tailored press release for your upcoming single.

A Fresh Electronic Press Kit.

  • From a combination of materials and assets we create together as well as some you may already own, we’ll pull together a succinct and deliverable press kit for all of your pitching needs.

Playlist Pitching.

  • We will pitch your release to a suite of third-party playlist creators, as well as discuss options to pursue this further outside of our services. 

On-Air Premiere Pitching.

  • After a discussion about which stations to target, we’ll pitch your release to a list of state and national radio programs.

Digital Premiere Pitching.

  • After a discussion about which publications to target, we’ll give your release a premiere pitch to a list of state and national music publications and digital radio outlets.

Third Party Interview and Article Pitching.

  • We’ll pitch and coordinate a suite of interviews and articles to bolster your artist brand and your upcoming release.

billy sharpie.jpg

This is Billy.

He’s a big fan of all things Australian music, and he’ll be heading up your tailored campaign. He’s also a serial sweater collector, so if you’ve got a cool one he’ll no doubt appreciate it just as much as you.

Apply now and Billy will get back to you within 7 days. You’ll either be approved or you’ll get some advice on how to improve for next time. He’ll be stoked to hear what new and exciting things you’ve been working on.


PR Package.