Darling Street Studios is a modular creative space specialising in music recording, music production, press photography, music video, and digital content. Our state-of-the-art 75m2 facility in Mitchell ACT, completed in April 2021, is a 200m walk away from the newly completed Light-Rail stop at the Sandford Street & Flemington Road intersection. Bean Addiction cafe is connected internally to our unit and is open from 6am-3pm Monday-Friday and 7am-1pm on Saturday.

Photo studio bookings can be made by following the link above or by clicking here. Unattended and attended mixing session, voiceover recordings, or short-form tracking sessions in our live-room can be booked by clicking here. All other audio related bookings, including private control room bookings, can be made by emailing keo@darlingstreetstudios.com, or by contacting us through our social media channels via the links below.

Our story so far is defined by our care for the musicians, artists, and creative organisations we work with. As a studio, we’re small, we’re kind, and we’re focussed. As creators, we believe that behind the greatest and most influential music and art, authenticity and vulnerability are the most awesome forces. As people, we choose to let our humility and introspection shape our growth, and our resilience carry us forward.